Individual sessions are geared towards overcoming a specific problem or problems. They are in depth, customized sessions that are geared towards each individual. Together we create a specific outcome and treatment plan designed just for your needs.
Here is list of common problems that I have treated successfully with clients.
Becoming a non-smoker – Smoking Cessation
Confidence and Security – Phobias and Anxiety Removal
Peace with the past – Traumatic Memories Discovery and Removal
Balance & Release of Negative Emotions
Installation of Healthy Habits -Weight Reduction
Weight Loss
Gain Clarity – Goal Setting
Increased self-worth, increased self-esteem
Removing Self-Sabotage & blocks to success
Designed to Live provides both coaching & Break through sessions for deeper challenge areas in clients’ lives where one keeps repeating the same pattern in different situations, resulting in the feelings or sensations of being in a rut, stuck, experiences of frustration or not moving towards desired goals.
If you are currently seeing a Primary Medical Care Professional then you may be required to provide a medical release form before beginning session(s). However, this will be discussed on our first conversation and free consultation call. The services provided are complimentary alternative healthcare and do not override or supersede a medical doctor’s care. Designed to Live, works with your doctors and health care practitioners to ensure we are treating you holistically. We have a physical body and Western medicine is often an important part in your healthcare.
You can regain a powerful position in your life, functioning with higher awareness, greater happiness and taking congruent action toward your desired outcomes.